CHF St. Mariam Thresia Province


CHF St. Mariam Thresia Province

Kordiabe, P.O. Box AS 261, Ashaiman

Greater Accra, Ghana, West Africa

Digital Address : GO-0773-2054


Email ID :



Sr. Dr. Ruby Therese CHF (Provincial Superior), Sr. Dr. Resmi CHF (Vicar Provincial), Sr. Dr. Philsy Maria CHF, Sr. Preety CHF, Sr. Nina CHF (Councillors), Sr. Rosline Paul CHF (Auditor), Sr. Jenny Joseph CHF (Treasurer), Sr. Marylins CHF (Secretary)


Province History


In 1990, when Mother Prosper was Superior General, the Bishop of Kumasi Diocese, Ghana, Africa. Most Rev. Peter K. Sarpong invited the Congregation of Holy Family to the African mission. Rev. Fr. Yesudas CMI, who was the person who was a source of inspiration and encouragement for us to come to Ghana mission. We began the convents in 1992 in Jacobu ,1994 in Abira ,2003 in Kordiabe and 2007 in Asnkrangwa. Consisting of all these four convents, in November 3 2008, Mariam Thresia Central Region was established. Thereafter, we opened the convents at Kunsu in Ghana and Kenya in 2017 and South Sudan in 2018.

On April 26, 2023, the 6th day of the 19th General Renewal Synaxis of the Congregation of the Holy Family on the 147th birthday of St. Mariam Thresia, Superior General Mother Annie Kuriakose presented to the General Synaxis the request prepared by the General Council for the elevation of Mariam Thresia central Region Africa, to a Vice Province. The Superior General officially informed that 56 sisters have opted for the Mariam Thresia Central Region. The idea of elevating the African region as a province with six houses and 56 members in view of its future potential was raised by Synaxis members, and consequently voted. This decision was passed with 57 votes of out 0f 62. Superior General Mother Annie Kuriakose elevated the Mariam Thresia Central Region, Africa, to the 11th Province of the Congregation of the Holy Family, naming it St. Mariam Thresia Province, Africa. Rev. Mother explained that this endeavor which has turned out to be more remarkable than expected, is a great sign of God’s providence and an excellent gift given by God on the birthday of St. Mariam Thresia.

First Assembly of the new Province was held from May 8-12, 2023 and the Election Synaxis from 12-14 May 2023.


Our Convents at present:

Ghana              – 4

Kenya              – 2

South Sudan    - 1

Kerala              - 1

 Our Institutions

Schools           - 3

Hostel for Girls- 2

Orphanage       - 1